Carbon Reduction Plan (Year Ended March 2024) & Advice for Schools

Classroom365 Limited (13179526) is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2040 and supports the UK Government’s legal commitment to reach net zero by 2050.

Detailed here in our carbon reduction plan (published 31 March 2024) are the following:

  • Baseline emissions report for 2023-2024.
  • Completed carbon reduction projects.
  • Planned initiatives to further reduce emissions and achieve the goal of net zero.

ICT in education plays a significant role in carbon emissions, from electricity consumption to the disposal of old computing hardware. Classroom365 can help advise schools on using ICT in their goals to achieve net zero.

carbon reduction plan for schools

Please get in touch with us if you would like to learn more about our carbon reduction policies and if we can help reduce your school’s environmental impact.

Baseline Emissions Footprint

Suppliers on the Crown Commercial Services Framework must have a carbon reduction plan (CPR) and emissions baseline footprint. Classroom365, as a named supplier, commits to annual reviews of our CRP and emissions calculations.

Baseline emissions represent a record of greenhouse gases produced in the past prior to implementing any emission reduction strategies. These emissions serve as the reference point against which future reductions are measured.

The baseline report for Classroom365 for 2023-2024 will establish the initial footprint for Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions, as these emissions categories have yet to be reported. This report will serve as the baseline and foundation for the current emissions footprint.

2023-24 Emissions Footprint

Reporting Year: 2023-24

Baseline report for 2023-24, with no prior reporting of Scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions for Classroom365. This footprint will establish both the baseline and current emissions footprint.

Due to the nature of Classroom365’s operations, it has been established that Business Travel (Scope 3.6) and Downstream Transportation & Distribution (3.9) are not applicable in accordance with the GHG Protocol.

Employee commuting is a significant source of emissions for the company. Since there are no emissions from business travel, the emissions from employees travelling between different sites are included in the employee commuting category.

This category also includes emissions from working from home, which helps explain its significance compared to other categories.

Baseline Year Emissions 2023 - 2024
Baseline Year Emissions 2023 - 2024
EmissionsTotal (tCO2e)
Scope 10.73
Scope 20.30
Scope 3.42.10
Scope 3.50.01
Scope 3.60.00
Scope 3.718.98
Scope 3.90.00
net zero for schools

Current Emissions Reporting

Emissions reduction targets

This is Classroom365’s baseline carbon footprint. To progress to achieving net zero, we plan to implement measures that will continue to drive down emissions as defined in our Net Zero Policy.

As a primarily administrative-based business with no permanent vehicle fleet and a small office space in a shared building, Classroom365 has relatively low Scope 1 & 2 and waste emissions.

We project that carbon emissions will decrease over the next five years by 6.5 tCO2e to 15.61 tCO2e by the 2028-29 financial year, a reduction of 29.4% in total over the five years.

Progress against these targets will be measured and shown in the graph below. However, as this is Classroom365’s first carbon footprint, no emission reductions can be demonstrated.

The carbon emissions reported are based on absolute emissions and do not account for business growth.

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carbon emission reduction plan

Carbon Reduction Projects

Completed Carbon Reduction Initiatives

No environmental management measures have been quantified as a baseline assessment. These will be included in future assessments.

Before measuring the baseline year, Classroom365 initiated carbon reduction projects and environmental measures, as outlined below.

The following environmental management measures and projects were completed before the initial baseline footprint.

  • Our environmental management system is UKAS certified to ISO 14001 standard, supporting our commitment to delivering operations efficiently and sustainably whilst incorporating continuous improvement.
  • Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, Classroom365 has implemented a hybrid working-from-home policy. We now only meet in the office for training.
  • Light switches in all offices and meeting rooms are marked with notices reminding staff to turn off lights, reducing unnecessary energy consumption. Long-term plans include transitioning to renewable energy sources, such as installing solar panels and purchasing energy from renewable suppliers, significantly lowering our carbon footprint.
  • We are committed to becoming as paperless as possible. Where paper use is unavoidable, staff are strongly encouraged to recycle paper and cardboard. Employees are also urged to edit and proof documents digitally and use recycled paper for printing.
  • As an IT company supporting schools, we are already engaging with locally compliant recycling companies who recycle equipment that does not end up in a landfill but is reused for the benefit of less fortunate charitable organisations.
  • We have developed solutions promoting cloud-based technologies, including hybrid and complete cloud-based options, reducing reliance on local on-premises resources. This approach aligns with government targets and significantly reduces carbon emissions.

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ways to reduce carbon footprint in schools

Planned Carbon Reduction Initiatives:

We are committed to introducing additional measures in the coming five years to reduce emissions further. We are currently contemplating various initiatives, and the examples listed below represent some of the key areas under consideration.

  • Secure a 100% Renewable Energy Guarantees of Origin (REGO) contract for the office space.
  • Engage employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders in carbon reduction efforts.
  • Enhance the gathering of high-quality primary data on our emissions to assist in reduction efforts and progress measurement.
  • Provide employee carbon awareness training to encourage a reduction in carbon footprint both at work and in personal activities.
  • Encourage using electric or hybrid vehicles for last-mile delivery where feasible.
  • Potential investment in a timer system to program controls on heating, lighting appliances and more, enabling a system that automates control depending on occupancy.
  • Encourage employees to use public transportation, such as cycling or car sharing.
  • Investigate the feasibility of offering an Eco-Driving course to staff who cover high mileage or make long commutes to ensure they drive efficiently.
  • Investigate salary sacrifice or discounted schemes offering employees access to sustainable travel options like e-bikes rather than car use.
  • We will regularly review and update our working practices to ensure they are aligned with best practices and deliver operations efficiently.

Declaration and Sign-off

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been completed in accordance with PPN 06/21 and associated guidance and reporting standards for Carbon Reduction Plans.

Emissions have been reported and recorded in accordance with the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the GHG Reporting Protocol corporate standard. and uses the appropriate government emission conversion factors for greenhouse gas company reporting.

Scope 1 and 2 emissions have been reported per SECR requirements, and the required subset of Scope 3 emissions have been reported per the published reporting standard for Carbon Reduction Plans and the Corporate Value Chain (Scope 3) Standard.

This Carbon Reduction Plan has been reviewed and signed off by the Company Director, Paresh Ghedia.

paresh ghedia
  • Name: Paresh Ghedia
  • Company: Classroom365 Limited
  • Date: 31 March 2024
© Copyright 2025 - Classroom365 Limited. Design by Classroom365. Company Number - 13179526. ICO - ZB077594. ISO 14001:2015. ISO 14001.2015. ISO/IEC 27001:2022